I Saw Christ Tonight

I walked into my bedroom tonight with my son Nathan, age five, in tow.  Because my husband had opened the blinds earlier in the day, when I looked up there was a magnificent view of the moon.  

"Nathan, look at the full moon!" I said.  

 "Cool!" he exclaimed as he took off for the window.  After taking a quick look, I started to pull down the blind.  

At that, Nathan fussed, "No mom, wait, look, the moon has a cross on it!"  

In a hurry to start the bedtime routine, I moved one of the slats and took a half glance.  "Yeah, that's neat," I said, trying to pacify him.  Then to Nathan's loud protest, I pulled the blinds down the rest of the way.  

 Immediately, Nathan started messing up the slats, trying to continue his view.  "No Mom, it's a cross!" he continued.  

Finally, he looked up at me with exasperation in his eyes and said, "Mom, come here! Get down here where I am!"  Since he was starting to destroy the blinds and was very loud, I decided to humor him.  I got down on my knees next to him and looked up.  What I saw appeared to be the glow of a yellow cross over the top of the full moon.

From where I was standing, I had been too tall to see how the overhead light was casting a glow.  When I finally took the time to bend down and try to see it through my son's eyes it became clear, and for that, I got to see Christ tonight.  

Next time your little one insists on something that seems foolish, try looking at it through his eyes.  You never know, maybe you will see Christ too.

Lisa@PPcparenting.com               © LIsa Butler 2015